What are the Pros and Cons of Reverse Osmosis Water Filters

In this article, we will explain the fundamentals you should be aware of about RO filters as well as the pros and cons, and the top alternatives to RO water filters.

What is Reverse Osmosis?

The technology was initially developed to solve a problem

  1. Desalinate brackish or sea waters to allow it to be drinkable
  2. Eliminating very particular chemical contaminants, such as heavy metals

RO is a procedure in where pressure of water pushes water from the tap through a semipermeable barrier that permits relatively small water molecules however, larger molecules, like minerals that are dissolved (e.g. Salt) to flow through. Through this process, the pure water from the tap is separate from the other elements that are found within the water.

Here’s a look at what the typical RO setup looks like, along with some needs for maintenance. Go to 13:35 and check if RO is operating and troubleshooting.

What is Reverse Osmosis filters remove?

RO systems eliminate contaminants from water, including viruses, bacteria and nitrates. They also remove sulfates, sulf arsenic, fluoride, and more. However, they also remove beneficial minerals like calcium, magnesium, and sodium. The overall RO filter can remove a myriad of contaminants from tap water at an 99% or greater efficiency of filtration. Certain high-pressure professional RO filters like Blue Water even claim 99.99 percent.

Low-cost RO filters in contrast, typically are much less efficient. This is why it’s crucial to look over the independent lab tests and certificates of every brand and product.

RO doesn’t take chlorine out or soften water in a very efficient way. So activated carbon is nearly always required when combined with RO. The activated carbon is also able to get rid of 70+ other pollutants including herbicides, pesticides and chlorine bi-products, pharmaceuticals and much more.

RO filters cut down TDS

“The sales guy used a TDS tester to justify the need for a RO system”

TDS is a measure of the amount of dissolved substances present in the water. The sales personnel often make use of this as a reason for the need to install a water purifier. The issue is TDS is not a reliable indicator of pure water. The primary elements of TDS are usually bicarbonates, calcium and magnesium which the human body requires. A TDS level of 250 ppm is an example. It simply indicates that tap water is a good source of minerals. is beneficial.

Do I need an RO filter to have pure tap water for my family?

In the last 10-15 years RO systems paired and activated carbon are advertised as the best solution for drinking water at home. In certain instances, households could truly benefit from RO filter. But for taps that are used by the public, reverse osmosis water filter in Perth, WA are typically unwise and waste water.

Before you purchase an RO device or similar water-treatment equipment,, check the quality of the local tap water, and also the requirements to make it safe and delicious. Don’t believe the salesperson.

What are the benefits (pros) from RO filters?

  • Proven technology for drinking water that is pure
  • Filtration of high-quality for tap water that is not potable, e.g. heavy metals or bacteria
  • Tap water can be made drinkable by making it very rich mineral levels (TDS at 1500 or greater) drinkable

What are the cons (cons) in RO Filtration?

  • It is estimated that the waste produced can be 6 times the amount of clean water that is produced (some products are more efficient)
  • Professional maintenance is required to ensure safety and effectiveness
  • The taste of water can be flat, and make tea and coffee taste more bitter unless the water is refining
  • Removes minerals that are healthy, such as magnesium, calcium, and bicarbonates
  • The cost is relatively high starting at $300 plus maintenance and repairs

Is the demineralized water produced by reverse osmosis filters beneficial to you?

Actually, it’s not. As per the World Health Organization, low mineral (TDS) drinking water that is produced through reverse osmosis or distillation is not suited for long-term human consumption, and in reality could cause adverse health effects for those drinking it. Minerals are deficient and can have a negative impact on taste for some people.

When you eat a balanced diet, the mineral content in tap water are not essential to your health, so drinking water that is demineralised will not cause any problems.

What are other alternatives for RO filters?

The majority of tap water used in Perth, WA is already potable (drinkable as per rigorous WHO, EPA and EU standards). So the primary goal is generally improving the taste of water and decreasing the potential risk of contaminants such as THMs microplastics, and heavy metals.

An excellent activated carbon filter can be able to handle this issue by offering the following benefits

1. Installation is simple and can be replaced by anyone
2. Cost significantly less
3. Maintains the healthy minerals in the water
4. Do not waste water.
5. Lower chance of water becoming taste bad or stale


Reverse Osmosis is a fantastic technological breakthrough that provides fresh water from seawater across the globe where water supplies are scarce as well as industrial cleansing of waste water. It could also be the best solution for purified water for household use when the circumstances demand.
Don’t install an RO filter unless you truly need it, and ensure it’s a top-quality one to ensure that your drinking water is safe for consumption.

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